The 2016 Great NEWS posts are dedicated to Holistic Habits to help us be happy and healthy. Today’s post begins to investigate a variety of health hazards and what you can do to prevent and protect yourself.  There are a number of biological, ecological, immunological, neurological, pharmaceutical, physiological, psychological and toxicological hazards that are affecting our adrenals and thyroid and therefore our short and long term health and well being. As I constantly contemplate my own health and talk with clients, family and friends about theirs it is essential for me to look at the various health hazards we face and find ways to avoid, minimize and mitigate them. We must learn to identify health hazards to our endocrine system and especially the adrenal and thyroid which are key control centers to design a plan to minimize their negative impact.

Family Beach

We must learn to identify health hazards to our endocrine system and especially the adrenal and thyroid which are key control centers to design a plan to minimize their negative impact.

For decades I have seem family and friends dealing with various health hazards and risks that are robbing them of money, peace of mind and quality of life. Sometime they are minor issues that are bothersome but not major. Other times they are serious ones that risk life and limb. Adrenal and thyroid issues are two of the most debilitating conditions many people are facing today.

Before even knowing I had issues there was a constant search for general health information. Mostly the focus was on exercise, lifestyle and nutrition. Little did I know there were so many dangers and risks in things we took for granted in our every day lives.

My first real education regarding significant health hazards and lifestyle risks was during an intensive ten day seminar in Hawaii in 1995. It was a real eye opener considering I had a degree in Biology earned while a pre-med student and numerous years of experience and training in the US Army and corporate world. In many ways this information totally challenged the conventional thinking and wisdom of decades of my education and indoctrination.

Sad, Sick and Stressed

It seems that anxiety, depression, emotional upsets, fatigue, fear, frustration, lack of exercise, lack of sleep, poor food choices, over whelm, poor nutrition, pressure, relationship issues, sadness, sleep disruption, strain, stress, tension, travel, and worry can quickly rob us of our health and quality of life. Not to mention artificial sweeteners, chemicals,  drugs, dyes, Electro- Magnetic Frequencies (EMF), fertilizers, flavorings, food coloring, herbicides, insecticides, medication, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, preservatives, radiation, synthetic compounds, vaccinations and much more.

When people ask for advice and guidance for various health risks it almost always seems like the same strategies and suggestions to protect ones health. We must  avoid and move away form health hazards that lead to chronic health and endocrine system overload and towards  emotional, mental, nutritional and physical holistic health habits.

If our air, environment, food, home, surroundings, water and work are toxic it should not be a surprise that we become toxic too. We are the cumulative result of what we eat, drink, feel, hear, say and think. Therefore when our body is sad, sick, stressed and tired it is giving us clues that we are destroying our body for life and voiding our mind warranty due to a lack of knowledge, maintenance, proper handling, Tender Loving Care (TLC) and understanding.

Benefits of Proactive Prevention


Gardening, harvesting wild foods and sprouting are excellent ways to access healthy foods to feed you and your family. Ensure therapeutic dosages of Vitamins: A, B, C, D, E and K

There are many advantages and benefits to creating your own health and wellness mastery action plan and vision. If you do not create one then you are prone to being influenced and manipulated by the medical model designed by others. The American Dental Association (ADA), The American Medical Association (AMA), Federal Drug Administration (FDA) or worse the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) which created the Food Pyramid and current My Plate model are all too ready, willing and able with big bucks to tell you what they think is best for you even if much of their information is false and misleading.  The USDA promotes a lot of dairy, grains and processed foods which many doctors and experts say are not healthy due to additives, allergens, chemicals, packaging, preserving, processing, refining and shelf life treatments.

We must focus on a comprehensive plan which includes healthy and high quality: air, emotions, environment, exercise, holistic living, house, lifestyle, organic nutrition, surroundings and water.

Key Health and Holistic Strategies

  1. Gather and grow many of your own food items. Gardening, harvesting wild foods and sprouting are excellent ways to access healthy foods to feed you and your family. Ensure therapeutic dosages of Vitamins: A, B, C, D, E and K
  2. Shop and support organic markets, resources and stores. They can provide a wealth of great foods and information for additional choices.
  3. Sources the cleanest and purest drinking water available. Avoid plastic bottled water. Use a water filter or be a water filter.
  4. Use extreme caution regarding any bio technology and high technology fabrics, farming, fertilizers, furniture and especially fake, fast or junk foods.
  5. Stop the stress situations instigated by family, friends, fans, Frakenfoods (GMO) and fads. Focus on healing and healthy emotional, mental and physical activities every day.
  6. Avoid exposure to harmful chemicals, fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, pesticides and synthetic compounds.
  7. Avoid and minimize radiation exposure from  CT scans, mammograms, MRI, nuclear material and X ray. Choose Thermography instead. Halt new nuclear plants. Promote deactivation of existing nuclear power plants. Nuclear radiation is our worst nightmare.
  8. Tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Honesty, Integrity, Transparency.
  9. Reduce your carbon, energy, food and water footprint. Learn to reduce, reuse, recycle, repair, re-purpose and re-gift. Our current consumerism model revolves around excessive capacity, consumption, disposal, fossil fuels, landfills, pollution, radioactive waste, topsoil loss and waste water is poisoning the people and planet. We must stop the toxic consequences of chemicals, environmental damage, money wasted, pollution, resources lost and waste created by bio technology and start focusing on sustainable living.
  10. Sleep and time with Mother nature are vital to health. Synchronize with the Moon, Seasons, Stars and Sun. Maintain a daily Blessings, Gratitude, Meditate, Pray & Yoga  practice.

There are many more solutions, strategies and suggestions to be offered in future posts.

What better benefits and reasons do you need to begin protecting your adrenals and thyroid which are key components of our endocrine system?

Healthy Habits

The Healthy Habits 2016 series is dedicated to sharing simple steps for sustainable health. Our adrenals and thyroid are especially important and excessively vulnerable to various forms of damage, degradation and destruction. These ten suggestions are  great ways to stop the debilitating damage and start defending your body, mind and spirit against the unnecessary health risks we are exposed to. These strategies are easy ways to begin designing and implement a Code of Conduct for Holistic Health which is great for people and the planet. When more people understand the risks of adrenal and thyroid fatigue and failure we will be able to greatly reduce our costs and incidence of disease and dysfunction.

What is your current Gap?

Are you feeling sad, sick, stressed and tired? How do you rate  your: emotions, energy, happiness, health, productivity, relationships, resiliency, vitality, well being? What will it take for you to begin defending and protecting your body, mind and spirit from damage and destruction? Imagine the benefits of repairing, reversing and revitalizing your adrenals and thyroid back to better function?

Mastery Action Plan (MAP)

There is a wealth of wisdom on the internet regarding the health hazards and holistic health strategies for our adrenals and thyroid. You will find some great information on the Suzy Cohen, RPh website. What will it take to educate and inspire you to plant some soon? Dr. Mercola has some great information on our endocrine system hazards and health to help you learn more about adrenal and thyroid care. When we invest the energy, money and time to learn how to maintain and protect our body, mind and spirit we will make quantum leaps forward in our quality of learning, life and love.  Are you worth it?

Call to Action

What comments, commitments or concerns come to mind regarding the adrenal and thyroid glands? Are you ready to learn more and do your part to support your vital endocrine system?

Next week the Great NEWS blog will share:

Are Our Body and Brain Under Attack?

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