Covid-19 CoronavirusWhat are your coronavirus defense and offense plans during this current coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic? I have invested hundreds of hours of my time to attend online health and immunity summits, listen to experts, read blogs, and watch educational videos.

Many families are stressing and struggling with being at home, loss of income, online schooling, or remote working and may not have enough time flexibility to access all the holistic health resources available so this summary can help benefit you and your family now.

My goal for this blog is to share and summarize hundreds of hours of expert content from my most respected researchers and role models down to two minutes of reading to help you and your family with strategies and suggestions you can implement for free or minimal money right now. This information comes from experts such as David Wolfe, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Daniel Pompa, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Thomas Levy MD, Dr. Judy Mikovitz Ph.D., Dr. Gabriel Cousens MD, Dr. Josh Axe, Dr. David Jockers, Dr. Tom O’Bryan, Dr. Jay Davidson, Dr. Jerry Tennant, Dr. Mark Sircus, Dr. Rashid Buttar, Wim Hof, and many many others.

For several decades I have been very focused on learning and mastering the best holistic health strategies to create a vibrant lifestyle that is resilient and resourceful. The more informed and inspired we become to take charge of our health and well being the easier it is to make better choices and decisions.

This blog is dedicated to helping you discover some basic yet profound wisdom you may not normally find on your own unless you are a holistic health geek and obsessed about digging deep to discover the real health guardians and not the profit before people corporations. My goal is to share a summary of the best strategies from the best resources and role models that walk the talk so you and your family can survive and thrive during this crazy coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. These simple steps are easy to do and easy not to do so the determination, inspiration, and motivation are totally up to you. With enough potential pain and pleasure from dealing with this Coronavirus, you can either end up happier and healthier or sadder and sicker than before this current chaos crashed our lives.

Coaching for Coronavirus Defense and Offense

There are many resources and role models to help us thrive in this current chaos if you take action to invest your time wisely and know where to look. These are some of the best of the best and many are free or very low cost to implement.

    Activated Charcoal with baking soda for brushing gums and teeth is a powerful protection against pathogens. Totally safe to swallow whereas toothpaste is not.

  • Acupressure (massage, myofascial rolling, reflexology, rolfing, tapping, trigger point therapy improve immunity and reduce stress)
  • Apple Cider Vinegar and black pepper, garlic, ginger, lemon, lime, onion, pepper, turmeric make a potent Elixir
  • Alkalize & Energize (baking soda, bicarbonates, clay, green plants, magnesium, and sodium-potassium pump= Energy)
  • Antioxidants, Enzymes, Fiber, Minerals, Phyto-nutrients, Trace elements, and Vitamins A B C D E & K are essential for our health and immune system.
  • Avoid dairy products which can cause significant mucus and phlegm affecting lungs and sinus.
  • Breathing clean fresh air with deep nasal breathing is powerful and therapeutic. Discover better benefits with pranayama.
  • Calcium Bentonite Clay and Zeolite have many potential health benefits.
  • Cleanse Detox and Eliminate health hazards (amalgams, artificial additives, chemicals, heavy metals, root canals)
  • Cruciferous veggies (Contain Sulfur /MSM) (amaranth, cabbage, collards greens, mustard greens, sesame greens)
  • Diffuser with Essential Oils often called aromatherapy offers pleasant potions and powerful plant protection.
  • Exercise & Fitness helpers: bands, Egoscue Method, high-intensity interval training, MovNat, rebound, resistance training, Tabata, and yoga.
  • Financial health and financial freedom are key aspects to plan and prepare for.
  • Food is Medicine (algae, beans, berries, extra virgin coconut oil & olive oil, ferments, greens, nuts, plants, seaweeds, seeds, smoothies, sprouts)
  • Hemp is a super powerful plant that produced beneficial CBD, leaf, oil, and seeds.
  • Herb & spice medicine (astragalus, ashwagandha, basil, black pepper, cilantro, cinnamon, clove, garlic, ginger, ginseng, onion, oregano, sage, soursop, turmeric, thyme, zest)
  • Hydrogen peroxide is a potent disinfectant and powerful method for me to be proactive against ear and sinus infections.
  • I Am…Incantations condition our mind for success: I am happy & healthy, I am fit and strong, I am wealthy and wise, I am learning, living & loving
  • Medicinal mushrooms (chaga, cordyceps, reishi, shiitake, turkey tail have been used for centuries for powerful medicinal benefits)
  • Mental health can benefit from Emotional Freedom Techniques, Mantras, Meditation, Mindfulness, Mudras, Music, and Vagus nerve therapy
  • Microbiome health involves a balance of prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics
  • Neti Pots are used for saline irrigation of the sinus to remove debris
  • Relationship and Social health are vital to our overall health and well being.
  • Saunas are a great way to sweat out toxins and train the body for health.
  • Sleep is a vital part of our detoxing, hormone, immune system, and wellness systems. Try magnesium, meditation, and Bed of Nails acupressure pad to help sleep better.
  • Sunshine (UV light helps us maintain our circadian rhythm, make Vitamin D, and eliminate viruses.
  • Teas and tonics are easy and effective ways to boost our antioxidants with: ginger, ginseng, green tea, pine bark/ needles, & turmeric
  • Trash the Trash: Avoid the fake, fast, junk foods, and chemical beauty & body care products.
  • Victory Gardens with beans, cucumber, greens, okra, pumpkin, squash, sweet potato, tomato offer nutrient-dense whole foods.
  • Vision Boards are a valuable technique to have a clear and concise vision for your life and all areas that make up our wheel of life
  • Vibration and vocal variety is therapeutic chanting, dancing, drumming, humming, singing are all powerful ways to be happy.
  • Virus wellness wonder-workers include: iodine, magnesium, selenium, and sulfur
  • Vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K are essential and vital for our health and immune function.
  • Walk with weights (backpack & heavy hands) for a full-body workout that can boost your immune system.
  • Water (hydration is key to our health and teas & tonics combine water with plants phytonutrients for a delicious and nutritious treat.
  • Weeds & wild foods have been used for centuries to support human health including algae, amaranth, barks, berries, bitters, cactus, dandelion, flowers, fruit, ginseng, grass, hemp, herbs, honey, leaves, mushrooms, nasturtium, nuts, pollen, roots, seaweeds, seeds, and watercress

Passion and Purpose

The passion and purpose of Morningstar NEWS are to condense many hours of research down to two minutes of education, information, and inspiration for a healthy lifestyle and mindset.

Remember, it is vital to have a master plan for supporting your health and immune system. Which of these strategies and suggestions will you implement to make your health a higher priority during the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic?

Next Morningstar NEWS Blog

A B C of E F T to Boost Emotional Mental and Physical Health

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