Assorted Kettlebells

How is your fitness and health program working out for you? To enjoy a life with energy, health, and resilience requires a lifestyle focused on fitness, nutrition, and well-being.  What exercise and fitness routines are you implementing in 2022 to help you be better and more fit than you were in 2021? Today we will share why we feel the kettlebells are king for exercise, fitness, and peak performance.

Many people have become a bit relaxed regarding their New Year’s goals and resolutions to be happier and healthier.  This is a reminder and wake-up call to find new challenges to build your fitness, muscle mass, and resilience. Kettlebells may be just the training technique you are looking for to achieve a new boost to your fitness level. It is up to you to schedule exercises on your calendar, follow through, and measure your progress.

The Morningstar NEWS blog is passionate about helping people focus on Nutrition, Emotions, Wellness, and Success strategies. Today may be the perfect day to try a kettlebell workout as a strategy workout to keep you happy and healthy. The ongoing crazy coronavirus conditions are creating an opportunity and silver lining for each of us to review our current fitness and lifestyle and re-engineer the life of our dreams.

Instead of being angry and frustrated with the crazy coronavirus conditions and the crazy negative news, now is a great opportunity to be calm, centered, and committed to focusing on being energized, fit, and strong.

“When we are more centered, certain, and congruent we can manifest a better body and brain that supports our health and longevity.” — Michael Morningstar

Kettlebell Exercises

Kettlebells Are King

Here are some of the many benefits that kettlebell training offers both men and women:
  • Build better balance
  • Build lean muscle mass
  • Build stronger core stabilizer muscles
  • Build stronger bones
  • Build a stronger back
  • Burn excess body fat
  • Develop muscle power on demand
  • Develop strong hip power
  • Enhance your flexibility
  • Enhance body awareness and coordination
  • Improve a large number of muscle groups quickly
  • Improve posture
  • Improve core strength and stability
  • Increase grip strength
  • Increase range of motion
  • Receive the benefit of a super non-running cardio workout
  • Tone muscles

If these benefits sound good, now might be the perfect time to try kettlebell training and workouts.

Kettlebell Caution

With any new and strenuous workout, it is important to use caution and follow a few smart steps first:

  • Be sure you have had your wellness physical and all signals look good for kettlebell training. It is good to have a qualified health care professional give you a green light for a new program like kettlebells.
  • Be sure to use caution when trying kettlebells for the first time. This is not some equipment you can casually pick up and start swinging without proper technique and training. Find a good fitness coach that is proficient in kettlebells.
  • Start slow and focus on proper breathing, form, and motion. Positioning and posture are extremely important when using kettlebells. Use a quality nonslip mat.
  • Always use caution when training with a kettlebell over your head. Makes sure your hands are not sweaty and use gloves if necessary for a more secure grip.
  • Use lighter kettlebells first and gradually work your way up as you progress.
  • Kettlebells are an amazing all-in-one total body workout when done correctly.

Kettlebell Workouts

Passion for People & Planet

The passion and purpose of Morningstar NEWS are to condense hundreds of hours of reading and research down to two minutes of education, information, and inspiration. Many people feel the kettlebells are king when it comes to a comprehensive full-body workout with limited equipment needed. Why not give kettlebell training a go for three months and see what benefits your experience. Then you can determine if it may be worth your time to have better energy, health, and resilience for the rest of your life.

Next Morningstar NEWS blog

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