Closeup of brain MRI scan result

After years of coaching and personal experience involving an avalanche of calls, confrontations, confusion, concerns, consultations, conversations, emails, and questions concerning people being diagnosed with cancer, it was time to condense and consolidate the life lessons learned. These blog posts, Can Cancer Coaching Compound Your Chances and Choices? Parts 1 and 2, are an attempt to share the information I found helpful and important if I or a close family member or friend received the Big C diagnosis.

Please read the previous two blog posts before this one to understand the full thinking process about Weak Links, “Can Your Weak Links Wreck Your Life? Part 1.” and “Can Your Weak Links Wreck Your Life? Part 2.”

How often do you invest time to review your lifestyle to identify the rewards and risks of your decisions? How well do you analyze and calculate the weak links that can cause cancer and disease? What is your long-term happiness and health worth? Awareness, education, and information are essential to protect your quality of life. With the sad and sobering statistics for cancer, now might be a great time to do an audit, checkup, and detailed review to identify, manage, and mitigate most of your health hazards and lifestyle weak links that may contribute to cancer.

Preparing for the “Big C” Diagnosis

This blog summarizes solutions, strategies, and suggestions I have studied to be prepared if I or someone I cared about was given the Big C diagnosis. Once someone receives the dreaded news, they are too stunned to think logically or objectively. Instead, most people go into emotional, mental, and physical overload and overwhelm. Therefore, many decades ago, I started making a list and checking and updating it often to locate the education and information before needing it.

It seems logical to think the same information about cancer prevention would also help reduce many other disease risks. I invited you to read this blog and create a comprehensive checklist and call-to-action journal with an action plan and blueprint to help improve your lifestyle wisdom lessons and minimize lifestyle weak links.  When you are willing to identify potential lifestyle weak links, you can learn techniques, therapies, tips, and treatments that minimize many risks. Implementing these strategies and suggestions may help prevent problems such as cancer and disease that sabotage your happiness, health, and longevity.

This blog continues an earlier theme about utilizing the power of powerful questions to help transform your life. Our actions, belief systems, habits, and questions determine our long-term happiness and health. This blog is dedicated to improving your happiness and health as you minimize cancer risks and weak links. Consider rereading the previous blogs regarding action steps to minimize and prevent as many weak links as possible.

The passion and purpose of Morningstar NEWS are to help people with education, information, inspiration, and motivation to learn successful solutions, strategies, suggestions, and systems to improve their lifestyle and quality of life. Weak links often lead to cancer and diseases that could be avoided. You will find important information and helpful signals on your dashboard that will indicate if and when a weak link is present. An annual review and regularly checking your dashboard to look for weak link indicators can avoid wrecking your quality of life.

Photo of smile child with cancer bed furniture portrait.

Can Cancer Coaching Compound Your Chances and Choices?

Consider this checklist like your vehicle’s maintenance schedule. If you want to operate your vehicle safely, protect your investment, and take good care to keep it running well for a long time, there are important steps, strategies, and suggestions that have proven helpful:

  • Abuse from emotional, mental, and physical sources can harm your health.  Your belief systems and how you tell the story of your past will determine the story of your future. Do you have any abuse from the past that may be contributing to cancer or disease? What can you do to resolve past abuse and trauma?
  • Acidic excess can harm your health.  Are you too acidic from stress and unhealthy behaviors? Could excess acidity increase the risk of cancer and disease?
  • Addictions can rob you of a quality life. Can harmful addictions contribute to cancer, death, and disease? Could coaching help you resolve these issues faster?
  • Air quality is a key component of health. Could low air quality be harming your happiness and health? Could pollution contribute to cancer and disease? What resources can help improve the quality of the air you breathe? Do you have plants in your home?
  • Alkaline beverages, foods, and supplements can support health and well-being. Alkaline reserves in your body are important to help keep you from becoming too acidic. Do you understand the importance of maintaining a healthy acid-to-alkaline balance? Have you heard about using Arm & Hammer baking soda?
  • Alcohol can harm your happiness and health. What are your alcohol patterns, portions, and products? Could alcohol consumption contribute to cancer and disease?
  • Amalgam fillings contain mercury, a known health hazard, and neurotoxin. Do you have any amalgam filings? Could amalgam contribute to cancer and disease?
  • Anger is often the result of unresolved hurts. It hurts you and the people you project it onto. Could anger be a part of cancer and disease?
  • Antibiotics can be a cure or curse, depending on how they are used. Antibiotic overuse leads to antibiotic-resistant bacteria and other problems. Are you exposed to excess antibiotics? Could this be a weak link that contributes to cancer and disease?
  • Awareness, common sense, and sensory acuity are key skills to develop. Are you using these to protect your happiness and health? Is the media negatively influencing you in pursuit of profits? How many drug commercials and adverse event warnings do you see? Do you read ingredient labels?
  • Bacteria, plaque, and sugar contribute to health problems. How is excess sugar contributing to the incidence of cancer, diabetes, obesity, and other diseases?
  • Bacteria in the mouth cause many problems. Do you understand the bacteria in your gut and mouth and how they harm or help you? What are you doing to support good bacteria?
  • Bacteria play an essential role in the circle of life. Are your bacteria in balance to keep you healthy and maintain your microbiome?
  • Belief systems are the foundation that influences all your choices and decisions. Are your belief systems harming or helping your quality of life? Do you regularly analyze, evaluate, and review your belief systems to ensure they serve your greater good and higher self?
  • Blood sugar is an important biomarker. High blood sugar is a warning sign that your life and lifestyle need attention. Do you regularly monitor your blood sugar?
  • Blood Pressure is another important biomarker to monitor because consistently high blood pressure indicates a health hazard. How is your blood pressure?
  • Blood tests are valuable measurements to analyze your biomarkers for health and longevity. Can diagnostic testing offer helpful information to avoid cancer and disease?
  • Body care products can be a source of chemicals & health hazards. Do you research the ingredients you are putting on your skin? Anything on your skin is absorbed.
  • Bones are living cells that need exercise, minerals, and nutrients to remain healthy and strong. What are you doing to avoid bone cancer and disease?
  • Books and ebooks are a wealth of wisdom. What books are you reading to prevent cancer, diabetes, and other diseases?
  • Brain cells require optimal enzymes, fuel, minerals, nutrients, phytonutrients, trace minerals, and vitamins. Are you fueling your body and brain or fouling your body and brain? Are you consuming chemicals, GMOs, health hazards, herbicides, insecticides, plastics, poisons, and pollution that contribute to cancer and disease?
  • Breathing involves the art and science of beneficial breathing for optimal health. Do you understand the difference between mouth breathing and nasal breathing?
  • Brushing your gums, teeth, and tongue daily can help protect your health. How do you rate your brushing and flossing oral hygiene?
  • Cancer is often labeled as a genetic disease. Many experts feel it is more of a lifestyle disease. Are you reviewing your biomarkers and lifestyle to find clues about your cancer risk?
  • Cavities are warning signs that your gums and teeth need better TLC. Get coaching from a holistic dentist or read It’s All In Your Head by Dr. Hal Huggins, D.D.S. Cavities may need to be drilled and filled, but avoid mercury amalgam fillings. Could amalgam fillings and root canals be contributing to cancer?
  • Cannabis is a plant-based medicine and must be used with caution. Could CBD oil and hemp oil help support health? Did you know humans have cannabinoid receptors? Why do you think that may be important information? Have you heard that some people with cancer have found cannabis beneficial?
  • Citrus fruit is a good source of antioxidants, flavonoids, and Vitamin C for preventing cancer and disease. How do you rate your citrus fruit consumption?
  • Chemicals can be a blessing or a curse. Some chemicals are beneficial and mild. Most chemicals are harmful health hazards. Are you being exposed to any chemicals linked to cancer and disease?
  • Children are more susceptible to factors that contribute to cancer and disease. What health hazards are your children and grandchildren being exposed to?
  • Clothes and fabrics can contain many health hazards. Could your clothes or fabrics be increasing your risk for cancer and disease?
  • Colds and flu are normally linked to viruses. What is the best way to boost your natural immune system without resorting to treatments that are health hazards and increase your risk for cancer and disease? How is your lifestyle sabotaging or supporting your immune system?
  • Cooking and food preparation involves the art and science of optimal nutrition. Are any of your eating establishments or food preparation methods linked to a higher risk of cancer or disease? Could coaching help you make better choices?
  • Cancer has become a part of the circle of life. Our choices, decisions, and lifestyles go a long way toward determining the absence or incidence of cancer. What are you doing daily to minimize your cancer risks?
  • Dehydration is a major problem for most people. It can contribute to constipation, headaches, high blood pressure, and low energy. Do you stay well hydrated with clean and filtered water? Could chemicals in your water be contributing to cancer and disease?
  • Dental health is linked to body, brain, heart, and mental health. Does your dental health help or hurt your level of health? Do you read and research ways to reduce your risk for cancer and disease regularly? Who are you trusting with your life? Are they paid for prevention or paid for treatments?
  • Disease and cancer prevention and protocols are complex processes. What continuing education and information resources do you access to help make educated choices and decisions? Where do you find trustworthy coaching and guidance?
  • Drugs (both prescription drugs and recreational) are being abused and overused with detrimental consequences. Do any of your drugs have side effects that contribute to cancer or disease? Do you read every label for ingredients and warnings? Why or Why not?
  • Do-it-yourself (DIY) body care products, essential oils, herbs, and medicinal plants are easy to incorporate into your lifestyle. What natural products are you using regularly to be cancer—and disease-free?
  • Education and information are important areas to focus on daily. What books, coaching, and tutoring resources could help you avoid cancer and disease?
  • Electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) and electromagnetic radiation (EMR) can be serious health hazards. How are you minimizing your exposure to harmful EMF & EMRs? What are you doing to protect your children and grandchildren from the health hazards they produce?
  • Epigenetics overrides genetics. What are you doing to enhance your epigenetics and turn on healthy genes and turn off unhealthy genes? Do you understand the “Biology of Beliefs”? Do you comprehend the methods and mindsets behind “Love, Medicine, and Miracles”? Do you seek coaching and guidance for the Answers to Cancer and Disease”?
  • Exercise is vital to maintain your happiness and health. What exercise strategies are you committed to sustaining to help prevent all forms of disease?
  • Excuses are a cop-out to avoid confronting the reality of your actions, choices, and thoughts. What excuses are you making to avoid taking responsibility for your lifestyle choices and decisions? Where can you find the commitment and leverage to adopt beliefs and behaviors to prevent cancer and disease?
  • Essential oils can help maintain your health. What essential oils do you use to help support your happiness and health? How well do you understand and use essential oils? How can essential oils help protect you from cancer and disease?
  • Fake, fast, fried, and Frankenstein (GMO) foods are health hazards. How much do you consume weekly? What will it take to eliminate these health hazards?
  • Fermented beverages and foods offer a wide range of health benefits. How often do you eat naturally fermented foods?
  • Family can be one of our strongest links or weakest links. What are you doing to make your family links stronger? Are there any relationships that need mending?
  • Fear (chronic) has a negative effect and impact on our health. A cancer diagnosis triggers an avalanche of fear. What can you do now to prevent a cancer diagnosis?
  • Fitness and exercise help keep your body, mind, and spirit resilient and strong. How beneficial is your fitness program? Is it a comprehensive plan? Does it include all the areas necessary for health and longevity?
  • Genetic testing is valuable for making educated decisions about your health and lifestyle. How does genetic testing fit into your cancer and disease prevention plan?
  • The gut-brain is linked to your head-brain by the vagus nerve. They both are essential for your happiness, health, and well-being. How do you maintain your vagus nerve in a parasympathetic calm state?  What are you doing to maintain and protect your gut health?
  • Healthy habits and lifestyle are important to prevent cancer and disease. What percentage of your habits are healthy? What percentage are unhealthy?  Your percentage of healthy habits determines your quality of life.
  • Herbal teas, tinctures, and tonics offer beneficial support for sustaining your health. How many teas, tinctures, and tonics do you consume regularly?
  • Herbs are great for your health. How many herbs can you name? How many herbs do you eat regularly?
  • Habits are the behaviors and routines that we manifest consistently. Are your habits harming or helping your health?
  • Heart health is vital to our health and longevity. Are you taking steps to make your heart happy and healthy, or are you making it sad and sick?
  • Heavy metals are a serious health hazard. Are you aware of heavy metals and how they can contribute to cancer and disease?

Call to Action

A call to action is an invitation to implement ideas to improve your current situation. A call to action suggests immediate steps to implement change, improvement, and progress. What calls to action come to mind after reading the A – H checklist? What master action plan will help you reduce your cancer and disease risks?

Group of Multiethnic Women Wear Pink Shirt

Helpful Hint

Creating a journal with a checklist, spreadsheet, and vision board pictures is a great way to stay focused and provide a path to progress. We benefit from recording our scores, steps, strategies, and suggestions to improve our health and well-being. Remember, maintaining your health is key to maintaining your wealth.

Passion for People & Planet

Did you know the passion and purpose of Morningstar NEWS are to condense hundreds of hours of reading and research down to two minutes of education, information, and inspiration? This blog is shared to help you identify cancer and disease risks, yo develop a master action plan to protect yourself from things that can harm you, and focus on things that can help you prevent cancer and disease.

“Let Food be thy Medicine and Medicine be thy Food” —Hippocrates

“Will you invest 30 minutes a day for education, information, and motivation to avoid cancer and disease, or will you waste your energy, money, and time as you attract cancer, diabetes, obesity, and other diseases?” —Michael Morningstar

Next Morningstar NEWS blog

First Friday in May: New Deep Dive for Destiny

PS: Thank you for your helpful support. After benefiting from one idea, please comment, like, and share this blog on the social media page links because family and friends will also benefit from the Morningstar NEWS blog.

By the way, The Morningstar NEWS team sold our Costa Rica property in December 2023 and is focused on selling our Belize land to create a wellness center in the United States. We decided to share only one power-packed blog per month in 2024 to focus on research, resources, and role models to offer wellness retreats in Puerto Rico and Texas to assist more people in transforming their happiness and health.