close up half-length front view photo of 45y/o east *asian man doing Anjali Mudra pose*, calm, eye closed

Anjali Mudra

How curious are you about making mantras, mudras, and music integral to your lifestyle to create happiness, health, and more magic moments? If you are not making them a part of your daily health and wellness game plan, now is the time to consider doing so. While there is an art and science to incorporating mantras, mudras, and music as a regular part of your life support system, everyone can benefit. They are like keys to unlocking a happy and healthy lifestyle and wellness mindset because they can help tune your body, mind, and spirit to a higher consciousness and frequency. Many people find a day without enjoying mantras, mudras, and music is like a day without sleep, smiles, and sunshine. Significant research into the health and holistic benefits of mantras, mudras, and music has discovered they help support our happiness, health, and harmony. People of all ages intuitively know that mantras, mudras, and music soothe the savage beasts of stress and struggle we often deal with daily.

Many people are looking for simple steps to improve their quality of life, and mantras, mudras, and music are easy and effective ways to help. Energy psychology is like the notes on sheets of music that allow you to experience harmony, melody, and a symphony of soothing sounds. If your happiness, health, and healing are important, tapping in, tuning in, and turning on with mantras, mudras, and music may be the healthy habit that helps create more magic moments in your life.

With the crazy coronavirus conditions of recent years and the troubling times we face, many people seek simple solutions to boost their emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual health and well-being. Mmantras, mudras, and music are easy and effective ways to help restore balance, beauty, and bliss to your lifestyle. Energy psychology techniques, therapies, and tips like these can help reset your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual compass to your true north. Mantras, mudras, and music are some of the fastest, most effective, and most efficient ways to rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit fast and for free.

Energy psychology is like a giant first aid kit with a wide variety of therapies, tinctures, tonics, and treatments to administer to the boo-boos, bumps, bruises, cuts, injuries, and sprains that occur. This kit can help clear the airway, clean the wounds, reduce swelling, stop the bleeding, treat the pain, and prevent sepsis and shock from causing more harm. When we know how and when to administer first aid and have a good kit, we can treat the bruises, bumps, cuts, and scratches that open our body, mind, and spirit to infections, pain, and suffering. Mantras, mudras, and music are therapies to restore happiness and health and help make more magic moments possible. Energy psychology is like a well-stocked first aid kit filled with solutions, strategies, suggestions, and supplies for self-help, self-mending, and self-treatment to restore your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.

The passion and purpose of Morningstar NEWS are to help people with education, information, inspiration, and motivation to learn how energy psychology tips like mantras, mudras, and music will maintain, manifest, and miraculously attract a happier and healthier life.

Ancient Mudra Plaque


Mantras are some of the easiest forms of self-care, self-coaching, and self-soothing to nurture your body, mind, and spirit. Mantras can be similar to affirmations, incantations, and self-hypnosis statements this blog has referenced previously. Mantras are a powerful process because they expand and open your body, mind, and spirit to empowering opportunities and outcomes. Mantras can help you tune into the cosmic consciousness and quantum field of infinite possibilities. They can help direct your GPS to help manifest a higher level of emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual health and happiness. Mantras are like codes, coordinates, and cues to guide our path and support our journey.

Mantras can be sounds, phrases, or words that coordinate our actions, beliefs, behaviors, and biology to create the lifestyle we deserve and desire. Mantras are a powerful process that can help us find our true north for progress or fumble in the troubling direction of regrets. Mantras have been shown to offer benefits by tapping into your higher consciousness and tuning your lifestyle for clarity and quality. If your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual happiness and health are important, then mantras are a helpful habit to embrace. Some well-known mantras include Hum, Ohm, Sa, Ta,  Na, and Ma.


Mudras are special acupressure, energy junctions, and touchpoints that activate and energize the energy meridians running through our bodies. These meridians are like a complex highway, road, and street system that connects our glands, organs, nerves, and skeletal systems. Touching the acupressure points all over your body helps the body, brain, and spirit collaborate, communicate, cooperate, and coordinate at a healthier and higher vibration. Going through a rhymic or ritual sequence of mudra touchpoints is like sending Morse code communications across your nervous system to keep all systems in the loop happy and healthy and help keep you congruent. One easy mantra and mudra combination is to use your thumb to touch the first finger, index finger, ring finger, and then pinky fingertip as you say or think each mantra of Sa, Ta, Na, and then Ma as your thumb and finger touch. A wonderful time to do this is as part of a breath walking meditation.

Musical Bowl Tones


Music is one energy psychology therapy everyone knows can easily adjust and boost your mindset and mood. One of the many things that is so great about music is that there are many genres, styles, and types of music to choose from. Thinking of the music from Eye of the Tiger, Pachelbel’s Canon in D Major, or the theme music for the movie “Rocky” are good examples of the power of music to set fire to self-sabotage, soothe your soul, or supercharge your energy and motivation. Music is one of the fastest ways to shift your behaviors, beliefs, and biology to manifest massive action and motivation toward your passion projects and vision boards. Remember to link your music to your most empowering values, visions, and virtues.  Saying and singing your power phrases during the day helps reinforce your determination and drive. Be sure to Google the healing frequency music project for interesting discoveries about different healing frequencies.

Mantras, Mudras, and Music for More Magic Moments

Mantras, mudras, and music have many benefits to help align, balance, condition, destress, empower, focus, and greatly uplift our body, mind, and spirit. Each by their own is a powerful process, and combined, they help make you unbeatable and unstoppable. Once you treat your body, mind, and spirit with mantras, mudras, and music life offers new meaning, motives, and more magic moments.

Some key benefits attributed to mantras, mudras, and music include:

  • Enhances your level of happiness, harmony, and health.
  • Embrace more enjoyment, enthusiasm, and excitement for life.
  • Enjoy new levels of happiness, health, and harmony.
  • Help you open the portal to higher consciousness.
  • Help you manifest new meanings, messages, and magic moments.
  • Improve your happiness, health, lifestyle, and sleep.
  • Manifest more magic moments.
  • Notice more inspiring, interesting, and intriguing signals to guide you.
  • Open your third eye for emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.
  • Replace anxiety, frustration, and stress with bliss, calm, and satisfaction.
  • Reboot your hardware and software to set better behaviors, beliefs, and boundaries to manifest happiness and health.
  • Transcend to a higher level of cosmic consciousness.

Inspired Listening

Call to Action

Energy Psychology is a collection of emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual approaches to help with happiness and health. Mantras, mudras, and music help open a powerful portal for you to enjoy more Magic Moments. The call to action is joining an in-person or online meditation or yoga class to have a group support system that participates and practices a healthy lifestyle that embraces mantras, mudras, and music.

Helpful Hint

Mantras, mudras, and music are fantastic, free, and fun ways to supercharge your lifestyle for rapid results. Remember…mantras, mudras, and music are like a combination for cracking the codes and unlocking your higher passion and purpose. Five to fifteen minutes a day of mantras, mudras, and music during the day can help be more of the type of person you want to be and enjoy more magic moments. When you catch yourself doing or saying disempowering things…stop, rewind, delete, and do a mantra, mudra, or music program update to upgrade your software. The more you do this the more mindful you will become.

Passion for People & Planet

The passion and purpose of Morningstar NEWS are to condense hundreds of hours of reading and research down to two minutes of education, information, and inspiration. This blog encourages you to make meditation and mindfulness a daily practice.

“Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.” – Victor Hugo

“Mantras, mudras, and music are like hyperlinks to a happy and healthy lifestyle. ” — Michael Morningstar

Water Flows

Next Morningstar NEWS blog

Energy Psychology A – Z Neuro-Linguistic Programming

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