Ageless Beauty, Timeless Health, Perfect Weight, Exercise, Fitness, Longevity, Magnetic Therapy, Mega Green Supplements…

Michael is a Certified Perfect Health Instructor with The Chopra Center for Wellbeing. He is waiting to help you achieve perfect health and wellness.

Great Wellness & HealthDefinition of Wellness: According to Wikipedia, Wellness (alternative medicine) is generally used to mean a healthy balance of the mind-body and spirit that results in an overall feeling of well-being. It has been used in the context of alternative medicine since Halbert L. Dunn, M.D. began using the phrase high level wellness in the fifties, based on a series of lectures at a Unitarian Universalist Church in Arlington, Virginia, in the United States. The modern concept of wellness did not, however, become popular until the 1970’s.[1]

 “Wellness is an integrated method of functioning which is oriented toward maximizing the potential of which the individual is capable. It requires that the individual maintain a continuum of balance and purposeful direction within the environment where he is functioning. (196, p. 4) ” and … “wellness is a direction in progress toward an ever-higher potential of functioning (p. 6)” . —Halbert L. Dunn

The term has been defined by the Singapore-based National Wellness Association as an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful existence. This is consistent with a shift in focus away from illness in viewing human health, typical of contexts where the term wellness is used. In other words, wellness is a view of health that emphasizes the state of the entire being and its ongoing development.

The phrase can also be seen as an analogue to the medical term “homeostasis”.

Wellness can also be described as “the constant, conscious pursuit of living life to its fullest potential.”

That’s what Wikipedia has to say about Wellness.

Let’s see what my clients say.



Dear Mr. Morningstar,

Thank you so much for taking the time to assist us and instruct us to further help ourselves and to make it easy for improving our lives. The success in our Cadet Challenge/Presidential Physical Fitness test is always a direct result of your outstanding presentations. We appreciate your joy, playfulness and love of life. You make a major difference in the life of this Junior ROTC Battalion. We owe you a sincere vote of thanks for your cooperation and support of the JROTC program at Hightower High School. Sincerely,

Harry Memnon
Assistant Army Instructor


Michael Morningstar is as a health crusader who champions the best practices that lead to a happy, healthy and balanced life. As an experienced guide who “walks the talk”, you can rely on him to assist you and others in traveling the magnificent journey of life. His website offers information on nutrition, energy, wellness and success, as well as several absolutely delicious raw whole food (living cuisine) recipes.

Perry & David
Kyle, TX


Michael knows what he talks about – nutrition and natural wellness. He walks his talk. He conducts a weekend workshop, took us shopping and taught us all about what to buy and why. THEN he shows us (hands on) now to prepare nutritious meals using raw foods and it was delicious. Under Michael’s guidance I lost 18 healthy pounds in two months and really felt charged.

Perry A – The Consummate Entertainer
Austin, TX


Michael,Thanks so very much for your time and energy last Saturday……it has proven to be invaluable!!

The EFT is truly a blessing in disguise!! I have had this anger thing inside of me since I was a child. I was slowly figuring things out regarding it…. but how do you get a handle on it? The EFT tapping has not only helped with my inside anger but it will also helped me with a number of other emotional blocks that I have been avoiding. I believe I will now be able to unblock my emotions and begin to have a more satisfying and fulfilling relationship.

The time-line has helped me to go back and retrace my childhood and repair some of the emotional damage that had taken place there. It has helped me to begin the healing process I so desperately needed regarding things said or not said while I was growing up and as a young woman.

The life mapping session has given me a clearer picture of who I truly am and what has brought me to where I am today!!My new life map has given me more direction and more focus of where I will take my life in the future. By viewing it everyday it makes it easier to stay on task and to build the kind of life I truly deserve!!

Thanks so much, Michael, for your patience and your love for helping others!! You are truly a gift and a blessing.

Jeannie A.
Tyler, TX


I want to acknowledge the good that has come from my experiences with Michael Morningstar. We worked an intense, 4 day long conference together in San Jose CA. that required long hours, extreme positive attitude and quite physical demands on our bodies. I had recently changed my meal plans entirely, switching to vegetarian, minimal dairy and very little sugar. I found it challenging each day to find foods that would give me energy, sustainability and also be enjoyable to eat. I took extensive notes during his lecture on food combining and chatted with him daily around the food tables. I gained great insights and began instantly to celebrate the amazing results! I eat for maximum nutrition now and my food has never tasted better. Broccoli and bananas together; who would have thought? Thanks Again,

Steve Peterson
ARC Crew


Michael,There are many great words that come to mind in describing your presentation which was informative, dynamic and passionate. Your commitment to helping people improve their lives was clear from the moment you took the podium.You make a difference for many people and I’m delighted you were so well received by the Sales and Marketing Council. It was a pleasure to work with you. Most Sincerely,

Krista Mathis – Dir. o