Happy black woman laughing with her friend.

How important are healthy gums and teeth for your quality of life? According to the CDC, approximately 50% of all Americans over age 30 have gum disease. The previous blog shared the top 63 threats that trigger terrible teeth troubles. Now it is time to offer a comprehensive checklist and call-to-action guidelines to help improve your gums and teeth. Are you willing to learn therapeutic techniques and treatments for terrific teeth? Implementing these suggestions will help prevent problems that sabotage your happiness, health, and longevity.

As we conclude the second month of 2024, are you utilizing the power of powerful questions presented in a previous blog to help transform your life? Our actions, belief systems, and habits determine our happiness and health. This blog is dedicated to improving your dental health and oral hygiene to help ensure your overall happiness, health, and longevity. Consider rereading the previous blog regarding the top threats that trigger terrible teeth trouble to help captivate, educate, and motivate you to take action to implement better dental health and oral hygiene.

The passion and purpose of Morningstar NEWS are to help people with education, information, inspiration, and motivation to learn techniques, therapies, and tips to prevent the pain and problems that come from gum issues and teeth troubles. We offer simple solutions and suggestions to help you take better care of your gums and teeth and enjoy rapid results.

ARCTIC OCEAN (Oct. 23, 2018) Lt. Cmdr. Michelle Mayer gives a dental exam to Electronics Technician 3rd Class Brian Williams in the dental ward aboard the Wasp-class amphibious assault ship USS Iwo Jima Oct. 23, 2018.

Top Therapeutic Techniques and Treatments for Terrific Teeth

  1. Activated charcoal may offer some benefits for dental and overall health. It is in some commercial and DIT toothpaste recipes.
  2. Adding alkaline foods to your diet can help reduce acidity in the body and help support your dental health and tooth enamel.
  3. Aligning your head, jaw, neck, and spine can help improve dental structure.
  4. Areca (betel) nuts from the areca palm (Areca catechu) can help clean and strengthen teeth.
  5. Avoid chewing on hard nuts and ice to protect your teeth. Soaking nuts softens them and makes them easier to chew and digest.
  6. Avoid amalgam fillings that contain mercury, a health hazard, and neurotoxin.
  7. Adding prebiotics and probiotics to your diet can help boost your microbiome and improve your health.
  8. Baking soda is very beneficial in supporting dental health and oral hygiene.
  9. Bacteria, plaque, and sugars contribute to cavities.  Establishing good daily dental habits is essential to your dental health.
  10. Bacteria in the mouth should be identified under a microscope. Then you can implement specific strategies to minimize them to prevent dental and heart issues.
  11. Beans, chickpeas, legumes, and lentils are healthy sources of minerals, phytonutrients, proteins, and vitamins to help build strong teeth.
  12. Black pepper and other peppers provide dental health benefits.
  13. Braces may help correct the position of teeth for better alignment and positioning. New styles and types are easier to use to support gum health and oral hygiene.
  14. Brushing the gums, teeth, and tongue reduces bacteria, biofilm, and plaque.
  15. Candy can contribute to bacteria and cavities. Avoid sucking on candy that is designed to stay in your mouth for long periods to reduce your risk.
  16. Cavities are signs you are not brushing and caring for your teeth properly. Learn about cavities and how to prevent them with proven preventive protocols.
  17. Cavities can be prevented and reversed by supporting the enamel on teeth to become stronger and thicker.
  18. Cavities may need to be drilled and filled, but sometimes cavities can be reversed with proper nutrition, supplements, and treatments designed to build stronger enamel and tooth structure. Preventing plaque and cavities is the main goal for healthy gums and teeth.
  19. CBD oil and hemp oil may help support better dental health.
  20. Chewing gum should be avoided due to the chemicals and causing a waste of saliva. Saliva is vital for healthy gums and teeth
  21. Chewing twigs from trees with antimicrobial properties is beneficial.  (Consider cinnamon, dogwood, mahogany, mango,  neem, noni, oak, tea tree, and willow.)
  22. Chewing your food properly significantly affects your overall health and well-being.
  23. Citrus fruit is good for your health. Be sure to brush or rinse your mouth after consuming citrus fruit to remove the acidity and protect tooth enamel.
  24. Calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, and sulfur are important for adults and children to have healthy gums and teeth.
  25. Dehydration can reduce your saliva, so drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated, which is important for dental health and oral hygiene.
  26. Dental biome health is important. It is similar to your gut and skin biome and needs maintenance and support strategies.
  27. Do It Yourself (DIY) gum and tooth mouthwash, toothpaste, and tonic are easy to make and helpful in providing TLC to your gums and teeth.
  28. Diseases may result from poor dental habits. Brushing, flossing, tongue cleaning, and a water pic are healthy habits that pay big dividends.
  29. Electric toothbrushes may be good for efficient brushing to improve your dental health and oral hygiene.
  30. Essential oils like cinnamon, clove, frankincense, lavender, lemon grass, mint, myrrh, olive leaf, orange, oregano, peppermint, and tea tree are in gum and tooth tonics.
  31. Excess fake, fast, fried, and Frankenstein foods can deplete valuable minerals, trace elements, and vitamins necessary for healthy gums and teeth.
  32. Fermented foods offer a wide range of health benefits.
  33. Forming healthy habits early is key to helping children protect their gums and teeth.
  34. Garlic, ginger, and ginseng offer a wide range of health benefits.
  35. Grinding teeth causes excess damage. Sleeping with a night guard can protect the enamel of your teeth
  36. Gum health requires additional TLC. Proper brushing, flossing, and oil-pulling are important habits to maintain.
  37. Herbal teas, tinctures, and tonics offer beneficial support for overall health.
  38. Improper brushing can damage gums and tooth enamel. Learn proper techniques to protect your gums and teeth.
  39. Infrequent brushing allows bacteria, food, and plaque to irritate the gums. Our gums need extra TLC to keep them healthy.
  40. Infrequent dentist visits may allow dental problems like gum problems and tooth decay to advance rapidly.
  41. Infrequent flossing and tongue scraping can allow excess bacteria to populate the mouth and contribute to plaque build-up between the gums and teeth.
  42. Jaw bone alignment and function are important for chewing and grinding food. Having 3D cone x-rays and examinations is important.
  43. Lack of early dentist checkups for children allows gum and tooth problems to cause long-term damage.
  44. Learning the benefits of consuming healthy beverages and foods will help support your gums and teeth.
  45. Medications can harm your gums and teeth. Focusing on health habits can help prevent the need for many prescriptions.
  46. Metal appliances can harm your gums and teeth. Talking to a biological dentist can help you make the best choices.
  47. Mineral deficiencies can cause health problems. Be sure to consume healthy foods to maintain your body and teeth with the minerals and trace elements needed.
  48. Missing teeth can make dental problems worse. Find a good dentist to help take care of your gums and teeth.
  49. Moringa is a superfood that provides beneficial amino acids, minerals, phytonutrients, proteins, and vitamins.
  50. Mouth breathing is detrimental to health. Seek help for developing healthy nasal breathing patterns during the day and night.
  51. Most mouthwash contains harmful ingredients. Baking soda, essential oils, herbs, natural mouthwash, sea salt, and tonics can clean and refresh your mouth.
  52. Neem essential oil is very beneficial for supporting dental health.
  53. Nightguard use while sleeping will prevent teeth from grinding and wearing enamel down excessively.
  54. Oil pulling may help support healthy gums and teeth.
  55. Ozone therapy has been beneficial for many gum problems.
  56. Plaque is a major problem that causes bad breath, gum disease, and tooth decay. Brushing, cleaning, flossing, and oral hygiene are essential for dental health.
  57. Poor dental hygiene usually leads to bacteria overgrowth, gum disease, and tooth problems. Brushing twice a day and flossing is your best dental insurance.
  58. Poor nutrition contributes to poor dental, emotional, mental, and physical health problems. Quality nutrition is an investment in your long-term happiness and health.
  59. Red clover and red raspberry leaf are herbal supplements many people find helpful.
  60. Root canals are the result of neglecting your gums and teeth. Brushing and flossing are the best ways to avoid cavities, harmful bacteria, and plaque.
  61. Sea salt offers an excellent benefit for maintaining healthy gums and teeth.
  62. Sodas contribute to damaging gums and teeth. Herbal teas, tinctures, and tonics help to keep you happy and healthy.
  63. Sports are a common source of tooth damage. A helmet and mouthguard can protect your head and teeth from damage.
  64. Sports drinks contain health-hazard compounds that can harm your gums and teeth. Learn to consume healthy beverages instead.
  65. Strawberries and baking soda are used to whiten teeth naturally. Many tooth whiteners contain harmful chemicals to avoid.
  66. Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) bacteria are a primary cause of cavities. Gum and tooth tonic with essential oils can help. Neem has superior antimicrobial activity.
  67. Sugar in beverages and foods often contributes to bacteria that damage gums and teeth. Consume less refined sugar and more healthy foods.
  68. Sunlight is essential for good health. Invest the time to protect your health. Far Infrared and Near Infrared light therapy can help support healthy gums and teeth.
  69. Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ) contributes to dental problems. Find a holistic dentist and seek an evaluation to correct the problem.
  70. Tobacco usage contributes to many gum, health, and teeth issues. Replace toxic tobacco with life-supporting habits like exercise, meditation, and yoga.
  71. Tongue scraping helps remove excess bacteria and gunk to improve dental health and oral hygiene.
  72. Toothpaste should be all-natural to avoid any health hazard chemicals. Many natural options are available, and you can find many DIY recipes online.
  73. Turmeric offers health benefits, and many people use it to whiten teeth naturally.
  74. US Library of Medicine says our mouth contains over 500 species of bacteria, fungi, viruses & protozoa. Learn to eliminate the unhealthy ones.
  75. Vitamins are essential for dental health. Consuming whole food vitamins like Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Vitamin K helps support your health.
  76. Waterpik® is a fantastic device to help remove food particles between the gums and teeth and massage your gums.
  77. Wisdom teeth are there for a reason. Removing wisdom teeth can alter the spacing of teeth, impact the meridian connection, and may cause cavitations later.

Call to Action

A call to action is an invitation to implement ideas to improve your current situation. A call to action suggests immediate steps to implement change and progress. What calls to action come to mind after reading the checklist for therapeutic techniques, therapies, and treatments for terrific teeth? What action plan will help you achieve rapid results?

Mother helping son to brush his teeth

Helpful Hint

Posting a Ten to Win scorecard on your bathroom mirror may help keep you focused on steps and strategies to improve your dental health. Remember… the key to maintaining healthy gums and teeth and a nice smile is excellent oral hygiene.

Passion for People & Planet

Did you know the passion and purpose of Morningstar NEWS are to condense hundreds of hours of reading and research down to two minutes of education, information, and inspiration? This blog is shared to help you protect your gums and teeth from bacteria and cavities that can harm your health and heart.

“You don’t have to brush all your teeth – just the ones you want to keep.” —Author Unknown

“Will you invest 5 minutes a day for better dental health so your teeth will last a lifetime, or will you endure pain and problems as you spend a fortune in teeth removals, repairs, and replacements?” —Michael Morningstar

Next Morningstar NEWS blog

First Friday in April: Can Weak Links Wreck Your Life? Part 1

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BTW: The Morningstar NEWS team sold our Costa Rica property and is focused on selling our Belize land to build a wellness center in the United States. We decided to share only one power-packed blog per month in 2024 to focus on research, resources, and role models to offer wellness retreats in Puerto Rico and Texas to assist more people in transforming their happiness and health.

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