African Drumming Festival

What is the first musical instrument an infant, toddler, or child can learn to play naturally? The answer seems obvious…a drum. Give a child a can or pot and spoon and watch them bang on their new drum. If you did not play some form of a drum as a child or have not done any drumming as an adult you may be missing an outstanding opportunity and this blog is a reminder regarding the many benefits of drumming. Think of all the times as a child or teenager when you could enjoy drumming along with some favorite music. What if drumming was an easy energy psychology way to shift your emotional, mental, and physical state anytime and especially during these crazy coronavirus conditions?

This blog is dedicated to energy psychology practices and simple strategies with helpful health benefits. Drumming has been used for thousands of years to benefit and boost our emotional, mental, and physical state. The energy psychology benefits of drumming may be one of the easiest and most effective ways to help people of all ages right now during these crazy coronavirus conditions. Drumming is easy to do alone or with others…so there is no excuse to prevent you from drumming on a bucket, large can, or plastic jug as you enjoy some music and rhythm right now.

Many people set New Year’s goals to be happier and healthier and drumming is a great way to accomplish this by tapping into our ancestral DNA, primal spirit, and tribal community.

“Drumming can help you improve your emotional, mental and physical health by activating your nervous system, boosting your spirits, increasing endorphin production, and reducing stress.” — Michael Morningstar

Almost any kind of drumming is beneficial and anyone can learn basic drumming skills. Drumming has many benefits for people of all ages including improved: eye-hand coordination, memory, and rhythm. Many people are looking for ways to refocus, rejuvenate, relax and restore their mental health, mindfulness, and mood. Drumming can do all this and much more because it awakens our ancestral and primal instincts. Some say that drumming is relaxing and soothing because it is like listening to the beat of our own heart and the heart of the people of the planet.

Anyone and everyone can benefit from drumming, which is an easy and fun way to let your inner child have more fun and give your adult mind permission to let go and get primal. Adults, children, and seniors can all make drumming a fun and therapeutic ritual. Everyone can benefit from different drumming styles. Some drumming may calm the mind while others energize the body and others activate a passion and primal calling for connection. There are so many reasons to let drumming be a part of your rituals to help improve your life, mood, and well-being.

Asian Drums Band Music Event

Drumming to be Happy and Healthy

Percussion is probably the oldest form of non-vocal music and reflects many of the historical and social traditions that evolve with a culture. In many areas of the world, traditional drumming is associated with celebration, community, and cooperation. It unites people through collective percussion, rhythm, and tempo.

Drumming is a simple energy psychology technique to boost your body, mind, and spirit for better health and well-being. It is a great way to reconnect, relax, and restore our parasympathetic nervous system via our vagus nerve and put us back in a balanced and calm state. Our emotions and energy psychology shift when we shift our focus to the music, patterns, percussion, and rhythms associated with drumming. Big benefits can come from small steps and drumming combined with dance, music, and vibration has a powerful influence on our inner core. Drumming is the art and science of combining percussion and synchronized methods, movements, and music.

Drumming is a great way to enjoy emotional, mental, and physical benefits whether alone or with a group. Drumming is probably one of the oldest celebrations and community parties humans have created to dance, have fun and transcend into an altered state of being. Drumming shifts us out of our head and into our heart and body to reconnect with our primal and primordial spirit. The benefits of drumming are backed by research that shows that humans can go into a parasympathetic state which can calm our mind, influence our endorphins (happy state), and balance hormones (reduce cortisol). As the pace, rhythm, and volume change drumming can become a profound biofeedback mechanism.

The benefits of drumming include:

  • Balance our emotions and energy
  • Enhance our mental state and mood
  • Feelings of community and connection with others
  • Increase feel-good hormones: endorphins, melatonin, and serotonin.
  • Memory, mental focus and plasticity, and motor skills can improve
  • Music combined with dancing and drumming is a transformation treat

Basic Drumming

My first profound drumming memory was when I lived in Albuquerque, NM and we attended a Native American dancing and drumming ceremony at the fairgrounds. It left a long-lasting memory that greatly influenced my enjoyment of Native American dancing, drumming, and flute music. I have enjoyed attending several dancing and drumming ceremonies and pow wows since then. Dancing and drumming are great ways to create a quick shift in our body and brain to embrace a healthier and more holistic lifestyle

There are so many methods and styles of drumming that are easy to do and easy to learn. Like anything in life, the key is to just start drumming and enjoy the results. Just do a few minutes of drumming twice a day to your favorite music for 21 days and see how it helps you feel. Maybe that will convince you to commit for life. Try several different drumming and music styles from the list below to see which ones resonate more with you. Over time you will likely find specific drumming and music that offers different benefits for your energy and mood. Different dance, drumming, and music combined are great ways to naturally calm your mind and relax your body during different times of the day.

Hoop Drumming

Different and Distinct Drumming

  • African drumming has a unique beat and rhythm.
  • Caribbean drumming and especially steel drums are special
  • Chinese Traditional Drumming at Chinese New Year celebrations and throughout the year. See this Spirit of the Drum video.
  • Drumming with all forms of music
  • European drumming
  • Indian classical dancing and drumming. Watch a good Bollywood movie and see them both in action.
  • Irish and Celtic drumming
  • Japan has a long history of drumming you can watch here: The Power of Japanese Drums and Taiko drumming
  • Latin dancing and drumming are romantic and as Gloria Estefan sings the rhythm is gonna get you.
  • Middle East dancing and drumming
  • Native American dancing and drumming is a great cultural experience
  • Native Aleut and Inuit drumming
  • Pacific and Polynesian drumming

Drumming provides many benefits as a cultural experience, an integral part of dance and music as a therapeutic modality. No matter what your age or music preference there is a wide variety of drumming to balance your body, maintain your mental calmness, and soothe your soul

Passion for People & Planet

The passion and purpose of Morningstar NEWS are to condense many hours of research down to two minutes of education, information, and inspiration for a healthy lifestyle and mindset. This blog shared the energy psychology benefits of drumming to help your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual health in 2021 and beyond.

Next Morningstar NEWS blog

Energy Psychology A-Z: Healthy Earthing for Healthy Earthlings

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