This blog was a requested special topic. Welcome to the ninth blog on Positive Progress with Simple Steps. Many people feel they lack will power and are struggling with “doing the right stuff and things” as a result. Without will power we are less likely to eat healthy, engage, and exercise our passion and purpose in life. So what is will power and how do we develop more of it? As a holistic health coach, my role is to identify potential problems and help support you with peak performance strategies and suggestions. Coaching in simple steps helps anyone committed to developing determination and more will power. Baby steps lead to big success.
Our passion and purpose are to share resources and simple steps for rapid results. Below are some great resources and role models.
Still Power Builds Will Power
Meditation is a form of still power which helps build our will power. Our body and brain function best when we are aligned and congruent with our true self. By constantly tuning our body and brain and focusing our energy and intentions we help align our being with outcomes that serve us at the highest level. Meditation (quiet time) and thinking time (quiet contemplation) are powerful fuels for our will power. After meditation and during scheduled thinking time weekly contemplate the following suggestions to build even more will power. Doing thinking time while doing Egoscue static back is a smart strategy.
What is Will Power and Will WILL POWER Win?
Will power starts with our story, our state of mind, and our strategies. What we say and think constantly determines our actions, outcomes, and results. Remember…If you say you can or say you can’t you are right. So be careful what you say and think because they determine your destiny. By the way, never underestimate the power of questions. How you ask and word a question plays a big role in the answers you receive. Great books to help build will power include: Think Big by Mark Victor Hansen, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra and Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill.
Will power starts with asking why we want what we want? When our why makes us cry… it is a powerful force for clear actions and decisions.
Identity, intention, information, incantations, and inspiration in our heart, mind, and soul determine our will power. Our values, vision, and mission determine our identity. Affirmations and incantations with powerful emotions are like rocket fuel that will power our will power.
These resources are very helpful to expand our identity awareness: Awaken the Giant Within and Unlimited Power by Tony Robbins dig deep into the power of our identity.
Leverage describes the exertion of force/power by means of a lever/object to provide a maximum advantage/result. Children are a leverage point for most parents who will do whatever it takes to protect and provide for them. Health and wealth are leverage points for many people.
Children are a leverage point for most parents who will do whatever it takes to protect and provide for them.
Learning, listening, living and loving are driving forces for most people. Tapping into them will help empower our will power. Life MAPs play a powerful role to help guide our will power. We are Bodies of Light and love so constantly attract more of these into your life.
Passion, peace, peers, places, priorities, programming, and purpose will power our emotional and mental health and greatly influences our will power. We are all driven by the pain and pleasure in our life. Anything you feel you truly deserve and desire will benefit from creating a mastery action plan. Vision boards help paint a powerful visual for our future and will power. If a picture is worth a thousand words, imagine how powerful a thousand pictures in your mind maps will empower your will power.
Our Operating System (OS) and software run our personality, programming, and psychology. Understanding how our first seven years, plays a powerful role in our behavior foundation. It is up to us to learn how to take charge and drive our own bus. The Dance of Anger by Harriett Learner Ph.D. shares information about the strong influence of others which affects our will power. Be careful to avoid a virus that can distract us and wreck our will power. There are always many ways to stop, rewind and delete a virus.
Words we say and think play a powerful role in our will power and world. Thoughts become things. Choose wisely.
Emotions, energy, environment, excitement, and exercise great influence our will power. Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) tapping on acupressure points is a powerful technique to help strategically support our will power. Energy psychology helps to elevate and energize our thinking to a higher vibration. Emotions and will power are like a muscle…they get bigger and stronger with exercise. Engage more emotions to expand your will power.
Reboot, rebuild, remove, reprogram, revise, rewrite, rituals and routines are all conscious choices that influence our will power. When you are contemplating a major decision use the rocking chair test and imagine at the end of your life being happy or horrified at the chain of consequences that occurred because of your decisions and will power.
Some seeds to plant and something to think about prior to meditation and thinking time. Will power begins when we ask why we want what we want? Are we a whiner or a winner? What will reward us when we do what we do? What will power our will power to do what we will when we win? What will it take to win with will power and be a winner, not a whiner? Who will benefit when we use will power and when will will power win? How will we feel when we win with will power? When and why will it be a priority to will our will power to win? When and where will we be when we win with will power? What will we feel and think when we do or do not do what we will do? How will we know when we win? What will power our will power so our will power will power our will to win with will power and we will win with will power? With will power where will we be and without will power where will we be? When will will power right now be a winning time to will power a win? Will will power be a decision to do or not do to win or not win. Why will will power win…because will power is the will to win with our will power? When will power is weak are we trapped in a crazy eight? Will you try Brain Gym to solve crazy eights and build will power?
The passion and purpose of the Morningstar NEWS are to condense hours of research down to two minutes of education, information and inspiration for a healthy lifestyle and mindset. Remember baby steps can lead to big success when you program your body and brain with proven steps for sustainable success. Still power and will power has helped us accomplish our major milestone to finally release our Beltraide Executive Investment Summary for our Belize Eco Village.
Next Morningstar NEWS blog
Belize Eco Village Bulletin 10 Major Milestone
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