Man resting at sofa AI generated image

Have you heard about the benefits of the Havening Techniques? The Havening Techniques offers special support for the health of your body, mind, and spirit. Many people are feeling sad, sick, stressed, and struggling. Energy psychology methods like the Havening Techniques offer easy and effective support for maintaining your overall health and well-being. They can help people resolve their negative behaviors, beliefs, emotions, feelings, and traumas to help them regain a more positive emotional, mental, and physical state of being. The Havening Techniques are a proven process to help people regain their mojo in order to focus and function at a healthier and higher level.

The Havening Techniques are an easy, effective, and efficient way to support your happiness and health. The Havening Techniques evolved from diligent research, resources, and role models to discover the key principles for happiness and health. Ronald Ruden, M.D., Ph.D., and his brother Dr. Steve Ruden researched how the body and brain become encoded with negative and positive emotions. As a result, they created the Havening Technique to share methods, mindsets, and modalities to help people enhance their emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Energy psychology offers big benefits because you can implement the various techniques, therapies, and tips when you need them without relying on other people to try and fix you. You get to be the one in charge of changing your software program and naturally rewiring your nervous system to enhance your happiness, health, and heart.

Energy psychology and the Havening Techniques can help you tap into the field of neuroscience for healing, health, and harmony. The Havening Techniques have proven to be safe and effective in rewiring and synchronizing your nervous system for better outcomes. Accessing the Havening Techniques is easy to do any place, any time, and anywhere you could benefit from a quick, energetic boost and help your body and brain be happier and healthier. The Havening Techniques (a form of psychosensory therapy) offer principles and protocols to help boost your emotional, mental, and physical well-being.

Woman crossing her arms

Energy Psychology is the art and science of accessing different behaviors, beliefs, and beneficial techniques to enhance the way your body, mind, and spirit function. Accessing the energy psychology techniques of the Havening Techniques can offer many direct benefits for your happiness, health, and well-being. Remember energy psychology and having a stress-free, supported, and synchronized nervous system are key concepts for those interested in peak performance and quantum quality of life.  This blog is dedicated to sharing simple steps that children, teens, and adults can do to shift their conscious and unconscious minds to access, activate, and adopt higher levels of happiness, harmony, and health.

Today’s energy psychology blog focuses on the benefits of making the Havening Techniques a regular part of your daily maintenance and well-being programs. The energy psychology of the Havening Techniques allows you to reprogram, restore, retune, and rewire the connections of your nervous system to boost your happiness, health, and well-being. The Havening Techniques are a form of healing touch you self-administer for better collaboration, communication, and coordination within your nervous system. Each of us has an amazing body, brain, and spirit to enjoy many magic moments and marvelous miracles when we tune our conscious and unconscious vibration to a higher frequency and level of attainment. The Havening Techniques may be the perfect partner for your happiness, health, and healing.

The passion and purpose of Morningstar NEWS are to help people with education, information, inspiration, and motivation to allow energy psychology strategies for fine-tuning the beautiful brain and body you were given.  The Havening Techniques are safe and simple strategies to support a happy, healthy, and healing lifestyle.

Woman Pierced Nose Ring Bare Chest Arts Calm Peaceful

Havening Techniques

Ronald Ruden, M.D., Ph.D., and Dr. Steve Ruden are the co-founders of the Havening Techniques. They became involved in biofeedback, neurofeedback, healing touch, Hypnotherapy, and Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) to help resolve various emotional, mental, physical, and psychological issues. The Havening Techniques activate Delta brain waves for therapeutic purposes. Havening is a psycho-sensory therapy that involves directed vocal guidance, sensory sensations, and therapeutic touch.

To be happy, healthy, and in harmony, it is important to remember that our heads and our hearts require a healthy lifestyle and maintenance programs to reduce the negative influence of anger, anxiety, fear, stress, trauma, and worry. We all crave appreciation, connection, harmony, hope, joy, love,  and recognition. The Havening techniques are great energy psychology practices to offer the Tender Loving Care (TLC), and well-being we seek. The Havening Techniques are safe and simple for any age and for anyone anywhere.

The first technique is to rub the palms of your two hands together as if they were cold and you wanted to warm them up. An alternate method is to rub your hands as if you were washing them. Then cross your arms and starting at the shoulders run your hands down your upper arms in a downward stroking fashion. Once you reach the elbow, repeat the process as you think about the disturbing emotional issues and memories that you feel are troubling you. After doing this for a while until you feel better and relieved you can stop. Another technique is stroking the face for a calming benefit. A bonus technique during the Havening touch is to stroke your arms and repeat the words I am calm, hopeful, peaceful, & safe several times.

Dr. Ronald Ruden and his brother were determined to develop and demonstrate practical techniques and tools to help people restore and transform their lives by showing the connection between biofeedback and healing touch therapy.

The Havening Techniques are procedures that can help support human happiness, health, and harmony by reconnecting, relaxing, restoring, and rewiring the brain and heart connection. It can help reset your brain, central nervous system, heart, and vagus nerve from a sympathetic (stressed) to a parasympathetic (relaxed) state. This blog is an invitation to expand your awareness and give the Havening Techniques a try.

Scenic view of the Sierra Nevada, United States

Call to Action

Most people can benefit from different techniques of energy psychology to soothe and support their hectic lifestyle. The Havening Techniques are excellent ways to naturally support your body, mind, and spirit for happiness and health. Find a calm, peaceful, and quiet place where you can use the process for health and healing.  It may help you increase your energy, longevity, and vitality. Consider making the Havening Techniques part of your healthy habits and lifestyle. Consider viewing YouTube videos for additional support.

Helpful Hint

You can find free Havening Techniques resources online. Many people find it beneficial to start and end their day with the Havening Techniques as a healthy habit.

Passion for People & Planet

The passion and purpose of Morningstar NEWS are to condense hundreds of hours of reading and research down to two minutes of education, information, and inspiration. This blog serves as a gentle reminder to access your energy psychology and the Haveing Techniques.

Havening Techniques engages our inherent biological systems to permanently heal, strengthen, and empower our minds and bodies ” Dr. Ronald Ruden, M.D., Ph.D. co-founder of Havening Techniques

“Havening offers the benefits of healing touch and therapeutic techniques to heal your emotions and restore your well-being.” —Michael Morningstar

Next Morningstar NEWS blog

Energy Psychology A – Z Herbal and Medicinal Plants

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