Looking upward to the starry night sky from a ravine. Original public domain image from Wikimedia Commons

Please read the previous blog Sleep Apnea, Snoring, and Somnipathy Signa Sleep Stress – Part 1 first before moving forward to Part 2 Sleep Suggestions. If you or someone you know suffers from these conditions, this blog is for you. Quality sleep is one of the most important lifestyle habits for a happy and healthy lifestyle. Without adequate quality sleep, many areas of your happiness, health, and longevity are jeopardized. Somnipathy is caused by sleep distress and is considered a medical disorder affecting an individual’s normal cycles and patterns of sleep. Sleep disorders can interfere with a person’s normal emotional, mental, physical, and social functioning. Since both adults and children are struggling with sleep deprivation and sleep disorders, this blog offers sleep suggestions to help.

After struggling for many decades with health issues that evolved into significant sleep issues, I have discovered a wealth of wisdom on sleep suggestions and strategies. The cost emotionally, financially, and physically has been significant. What price can you put on being happy and healthy? Maybe it is priceless. The passion and purpose of Morningstar NEWS are to help people be happy, healthy, and in harmony by sharing education, information, inspiration, and motivation. This information can save you from years of struggling with health issues and many tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in costs, lost wages, and suffering.

Sleep Cycles

The body goes through several 90 min cycles each night while we sleep. Our circadian rhythm, the seasons, and even the lunar cycle all influence our quality and quantity of sleep. Sleep is easily affected by many environmental factors. Consider the following lifestyle habits and sleep suggestions to help improve your sleep quality.

  • Air filters can help improve your health and sleep cycles. Avoid as many chemical health hazards as possible in your home.
  • Alcohol reduction can help in several ways.
  • Cooler temperatures often improve sleep.
  • Daylight savings time change disrupts sleep cycles and requires extra countermeasures. Daylight savings changes require extra diligence and discipline to transition as quickly as possible. Banning Daylight Savings Time changes would greatly benefit our happiness, health, and harmony.
  • Reduce background, outside, and unnecessary noise.
  • Seeing the sunrise, sunset, and sunshine helps to maintain your circadian rhythm. Being in nature helps also helps.
  • Synchronize your sleep-wake cycles. Establishing a good sheep hygiene routine is very beneficial.
  • Timing your beverages and meals to be completed at least 3 hours before sleep. (Hopefully completed by 7:00 PM)
  • Upgrade your lifestyle habits. (eat healthy, exercise, meditate, reduce stress, and practice yoga)
  • Use an Apple Watch, Fitbit, Oura ring, or a similar monitoring device to review and track your sleep cycles.

Man sleeping with an anti-snoring mask

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea may require a person to use many different sleep suggestions to be most successful simultaneously. Because it is a medical condition and the consequences can be serious, it may require a sleep specialist and medical treatment. Consider these lifestyle habits and simple sleep suggestions.

  • Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) devices can be helpful for some people
  • Herbal supplement support may be helpful for a better night’s sleep
  • Lifestyle habits associated with alcohol, eating, exercise, and weight management can be beneficial to avoid and minimizing some sleep apnea.
  • Mandibular advancement devices (MADs) or removable mouthguards are an effective alternative to CPAP machines for sleep apnea.
  • Night guards can provide some benefits for better sleep and less sleep apnea and snoring.
  • Sleep pillows, postures, and pre-sleep procedures may be helpful with sleep apnea and snoring.
  • Sleep specialists can offer many sleep solutions and sleep suggestions.
  • Sleep studies can help identify sleep and sleep apnea issues

Sleep Deprivation

Sleep deprivation is a serious sleep issue in many countries. Adults and children struggle with insomnia and sleep deprivation due to many factors. Most people are going to sleep too late and not sleeping through the night well. Consider these lifestyle habits and simple sleep suggestions.

  • Avoid excessive blue lights from electronic devices two hours before going to bed. If you must be exposed, wear blue blocker glasses.
  • Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from cell phones, dirty electricity, smart meters, and wifi routers must be minimized or turned off.
  • Healthy habits and a healthy lifestyle require sleep as a vital part of the process.
  • Many medications can and should be avoided to improve sleep.
  • Sleep apnea, snoring, and stress can contribute to sleep deprivation. Get help.
  • Sleep sanctuaries can help improve the quality and quantity of sleep to avoid sleep deprivation. Dark-out curtains, removing electronics from the bedroom, and sleep masks help.
  • Upsetting news and violent shows contribute to staying up late, suffering from insomnia, and sleep deprivation. Early to bed and early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy, and wise.

Insomnia and noise pollution concept

Sleep Interruption to Pee

Sleep interruption to pee/urinate is a major problem for many. Consider these lifestyle habits and sleep suggestions.

  • Avoid consuming alcohol and liquids after dinner and too late in the evening,
  • Avoid diuretics like beer, coffee, sodas, and wine because they cause the body to release more fluids.
  • Get your blood oxygen, blood pressure, blood sugar, and biomarkers checked out.
  • Drinking too many liquids and eating too late are major contributors to waking up to pee at night. Stop this unhealthy habit.
  • Identify any prostate issues.
  • Medications can contribute to urinating at night.
  • Noise can wake you up and cause you to feel the need to pee, so keep things quiet.


Snoring seems to be more common for many children, men, and women. It often occurs from breathing through the mouth instead of the nose. We are designed and intended to breathe primarily through our noses. Many people are discovering there are many things you can do to avoid snoring. Consider these lifestyle habits and sleep suggestions.

  • Avoid alcohol and excess sugar before bedtime.
  • Avoid large overstuffed pillows
  • Avoiding dairy can help many adults and children avoid sinus issues and stuffy noses and breathe through their noses.
  • Avoid removing adenoids and tonsils to solve snoring issues.
  • Maintaining optimal body weight. Excess weight and obesity often lead to snoring.
  • Mouth-taping
  • Nasal breath training may help. Research the Buteyko Institute Method.
  • Neck muscle exercises and training.
  • Raising the head of the bed and a good mattress may help.
  • Sleeping on your back with a bone-shaped neck pillow.
  • Sleeping with a special mouthpiece or night guard


Somnipathy is a sleep disorder considered a medical disorder affecting an individual’s regular cycles and patterns of sleep. Since they can be severe enough to interfere with a person’s normal emotional, mental, physical, and social functioning, finding ways to resolve them is important. Insomnia is a major sleep disorder for many people, but taking medications to solve sleep disorders is risky. Consider all the sleep suggestions in this blog to help.

To guide you, find a good:

  • Breath trainer
  • Chiropractor
  • Functional Medicine Doctor
  • Holistic Dentist
  • Homeopathy practitioner
  • Sleep specialist

Woman Meditating Peacefully

Reducing Sleep Stress

Sleep stress prevents sleep from re-energizing, refreshing, reinvigorating, and rejuvenating. Here are some lifestyle habits and simple sleep suggestions to consider.

  • Resources to reduce stress and sleep stress include chiropractors, Emotional Freedom Techniques practitioners, functional medicine doctors, lifestyle coaches, massage therapists, spiritual guidance,
  • Rituals to reduce stress before bed include chamomile tea, chanting, essential oils, gratitude, journaling, massage, mindfulness, music, reading, reflexology, singing, sleep supplements, tapping, and a warm bath.
  • Routines to reduce stress during the day include essential oils, exercising, Ho’oponopono, meditating, mindfulness, music, nature, praying, Serenity Prayer, singing, a supportive sleep schedule, swimming, walking, and yoga.

Call to Action

Sleep apnea, snoring, and somnipathy signal sleep stress and serious concerns that deserve attention and investigation. Begin recording your sleep cycles and patterns and begin researching sleep resources for beneficial education, information, and motivation to take action. Breath and sleep suggestions are a big biohacking topic in the fitness and health world. Dozens of top health practitioners are discussing the concerns with mouth breathing and how nasal breathing can save your health and life. Mouth breathing is harmful, and nasal breathing is healthy. Patrick McKeown is a breathing expert who wrote Oxygen Advantage to share a new system of specialized breathing practices. Patrick McKeown promotes The Buteyko Institute Method, a health education program involving breathing techniques, lifestyle guidelines, and posture to return breathing to normal physiological levels. It uses biochemistry, physics, and respiratory physiology principles to fix dysfunctional breathing. (both mouth breathing and snoring). This can be life-changing education and information when implemented.

Passion for People & Planet

The passion and purpose of Morningstar NEWS are to condense hundreds of hours of reading and research down to two minutes of education, information, and inspiration. This blog serves as a wake-up call to pay more attention to your sleep and any possible indicators for concern. Sleep apnea, snoring, and somnipathy signal sleep stress, and this blog shared many sleep suggestions to help.

“Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy wealthy, and wise.” —Benjamin Franklin

“Enjoying the optimal quality and quantity of sleep is a non-negotiable part of being happy, healthy, and in harmony. Please make it a lifestyle priority.” —Michael Morningstar

Silhouette of a girl stretching in the morning

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Cancer – Causing Chemical Fungicides, Herbicides, Insecticides, and Pesticides

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