Meditation stones template vector with give yourself a break quote

Do you make career, family, and housework a bigger priority than taking care of your happiness, harmony, and health? Many people take better care of their car, home, and kids than they take care of their bodies, health, and well-being. Many people feel that making other things a priority will somehow reward them in the future.

In reality, not making yourself a priority will often lead to damaging relationships, derailing dreams, and draining energy because you eventually become exhausted, run-down, and upset. Soon you may resent putting others first and putting yourself last. Providing self-care and tender loving care (TLC) is one of the most important gifts you can give to others and yourself. When we give ourselves love and TLC first, we have more love to give and share with others.

Most people have limiting beliefs that hinder their happiness, health, and quality of life.  Reviewing your habits, lifestyle, and mindset will give clues as to what limiting beliefs are draining your energy, robbing your health, and making you stressed. Our life reflects the ideas, identity, and information we feed our body and brain regularly. If you are unhappy, unhealthy, and unfulfilled, it is time to discover the source of your limiting beliefs and delete them from your hard drive.

Our beliefs, behaviors, and brains create bliss or blunders. We can be loving to ourselves and feel more love for others based on our daily decisions. Our lifestyle and loving attitude will accurately reflect the state of our beliefs, body, and brains. Choose your daily decisions and deeds wisely because they determine your ultimate destiny.

The passion and purpose of Morningstar NEWS are to help people feel happy, healthy, and in harmony. Tender-loving care (TLC) every week will work wonders to refresh, rejuvenate, restore, and revitalize your bliss.

Senior couple dancing

Tender Loving Care for You

When is the last time you reviewed your circle of life and wheel of life to determine the quality of the critical areas for a quality life? Our beliefs and behaviors regarding what we deserve and desire will determine the results we will receive or resent. Always putting others’ needs first before your own needs can prevent you from having the life you deserve and desire.

When your head and heart are aligned, it is easy to feel happy, healthy, and in harmony. Your head and heart will work magic moments and miracles when you direct your energy, information, and inspiration to provide the tender, loving care you deserve and desire. Consider and contemplate the following.

  • Are you manifesting magic moments for yourself so you can share them with others?
  • Are you appreciating and being grateful for all life’s magic moments and miracles?
  • Are you focused on being happy, healthy, and in harmony?
  • Are you making meditation, mindfulness, and mindset a priority each day?
  • Are you grateful for all the blessings you enjoy now?
  • Are you directing your belief systems, identity, and mindset to be positive and upbeat?
  • Are you focused on nourishing the beautiful body and brain God gave you?
  • Are you making time for daily flow, freedom, fulfillment, and fun?

People meditating in a yoga class

Tender Loving Care for Your Team

  • Consuming healthy beverages and foods weekly will work wonders.
  • Start one new healthy habit weekly and share it with others.
  • Start investing in better education, information, and inspiration.
  • Start sharing the benefits and bliss of being happy and healthy.
  • Start smiling each day to show you are happy.
  • Start enjoying an affirming meditation, mindfulness, and mindset each day.
  • Start sharing why you are appreciative and grateful for your family and friends.
  • Communicate your beliefs, identity, and mindset to help others connect and relate to you.
  • Start focusing on your passion and purpose, and ask how you can support their passion and purpose.
  • Start supporting yourself first with tender loving care, then TLC for family and friends is more manageable.

Tender Loving Care Weekly Will Work Wonders

After making your TLC a priority, you will discover you have more energy and vitality to enable others to enjoy more magic moments. Write down a list of ten tiny things you can do to provide tender loving care for yourself first. Then you can share these ideas with others. Your head and heart want you to be happy, healthy, and in harmony, so provide the TLC to make it a reality. Not giving yourself TLC will rob you of your desired happiness, health, and quality of life. Showing tender loving care weekly will work wonders to sustain being a happy and healthy caregiver for others long term,

Free green apple smoothie image, public domain drink CC0 photo.

Passion for People & Planet

The passion and purpose of Morningstar NEWS are to condense hundreds of hours of reading and research down to two minutes of education, information, and inspiration. This blog offers simple suggestions to help you create more magic moments and show tender loving care for yourself and others.

“Showing tender loving care weekly will work wonders to help sustain being a happy and healthy caregiver for others long term, Tender loving care for yourself is the utlimate gift that keeps giving,”. —Michael Morningstar

Next Morningstar NEWS blog

Habits that Harm and Habits that Help

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