Current waste management system at Doug Jernigan Farms, a three-generation family farm that, a few months earlier, refinanced the facility to add a first of it’s kind, in the nation, swine-turkey waste to renewable energy system (not seen), with the assistance of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development (RD) Renewable Energy for America Program (REAP) loan guarantee in Mt. Olive, NC, Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2015.

Do you remember the news about lead in the drinking water in Flint, Michigan? What do you believe about the train derailment and resulting spill of toxic chemicals in East Palestine, Ohio? Are they telling the truth and being transparent about toxic things that are released into the air, food, soil, and water? Many people think they are not telling the truth and are not transparent about the toxic things that have been released. Many believe they may lie to hide the truth to avoid lawsuits, liability, and local panic. If you are concerned about chemical toxins, this blog may offer some education, information, and inspiration to help you better prepare to prevent and protect against chemical health hazards. Chemicals and other toxins are in our air, clothes, food, homes, soil, and water. If your happiness and health are high priorities, then there are some simple steps you can implement to protect yourself from toxic things better.

Many people feel they are at risk from the many chemicals, heavy metals, and toxins being promoted as helpful yet harmful to us and our environment. Your happiness, health, and well-being depend on avoiding exposure, learning the risks, and taking evasive and protective actions. If you want to protect yourself and your family, it is up to you to stop exposure to toxic things and start to cleanse and detox these toxic things.

Texas A&M University independently assessed EPA data regarding nine air pollutants identified in and around East Palestine at levels that may lead to long-term health concerns. The toxic things released in East Palestine, Ohio, highlight the risks of various toxic things that travel by barge, pipeline, rail, and trucks that can harm your health in the blink of an eye. Since World Wildlife Day is March 3, 2023, and World Water Day is March 22. 2023, the chemical spill in Ohio may be another warning and a wake-up call for us to watch out for the toxic things that are in our air, clothes, foods, homes, soils, and water.

Now might be a great time to think about the chemical and heavy metal toxins you are exposed to daily, plan to start reducing your exposure and learn steps to mitigate the risks. Now might be a great time to reread a previous blog about the 21 Harmful Health Hazards Harming Humans. Many of our problems are the result of individuals and companies not telling the truth and not being transparent. The passion and purpose of Morningstar NEWS are to help people feel happy, healthy, and in harmony by sharing some education, information, and inspiration that can help you stop the toxic things insanity and start living a toxic things-free lifestyle.

Free public domain CC0 photo.

Telling the Truth

Telling the truth will set you free and build credibility, faith, respect, and trust. Lying will destroy credibility, faith, respect, and trust quickly. Many people lie and claim they do so to protect others’ feelings and because they feel others can not handle the truth. Does that sound like a bunch of B.S., justification, and rationalization for lying?

When is the last time you were lied to about something, and you knew it in your gut? Did you feel and sense that they were lying to cover up another lie or a mistake they had made and could not admit it? If you feel a sneaky suspicion in your gut (the gut is now called the second brain), it is a good probability that your unconscious mind is tuned into incongruent information. When you listen with your head and heart, it is much easier to see through the brainwashing and B.S. and protect yourself from harm. When they appear disconnected, disjointed, and distracted, they may lead you down a pretend path or lie through their teeth to manipulate you. Consider how uncomfortable it feels when you tell a lie. Consider how good it feels when you tell the truth.

  • Do you tell the truth to your partner or spouse?
  • Do you tell the truth to your children?
  • Do you tell the truth to your friends?
  • Do you tell the truth to your co-workers?

Remember, a white lie is still a lie. Gary King is a friend that gives presentations on happiness and honesty. He often talks about the idea of doing the 24-hour truth challenge. He suggests you try going 24 hours without telling a single false statement or lie. Try it and see how hard this is for many people. Often people you know and even you lie to avoid being transparent. If people lie about simple things, imagine how many lies occur about dangerous drugs, scary stuff, and toxic things.

City wallpaper desktop background, full HD photo

Being Transparent

Do you feel being honest, open, transparent, and truthful is important? Most honest and trustworthy people feel being transparent is important. Unfortunately, many individuals and organizations are not telling the truth or being transparent.

  • Do you feel companies are transparent about the health-hazard ingredients in their beverages, body care, and food products?
  • Do you feel dentists are transparent about the dangers of amalgam fillings, fluoride, and root canals?
  • Do you feel the American Dental Association (ADA) is transparent about the dangers of amalgam fillings, fluoride, and root canals?
  • Do you feel doctors are transparent about the full options and range of treatment options for cancer?
  • Do you feel the American Medical Association (AMA) is transparent about the full range of treatment options for cancer?
  • Do you feel pharmaceutical companies are fully transparent about adverse side effects and health hazards associated with the use of pharmaceuticals?
  • Do you feel companies are transparent about the consequences and adverse reactions to Over-The-Counter (OTC) products?
  • Do you feel the Center for Disease Control (CDC) is transparent about adverse side effects and health hazards from medical drugs and interventions?
  • Do you feel the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is transparent about conflicts of interest and financial incentives regarding drug approvals and safety?
  • Do you feel the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is transparent about the chemical spill in East Palestine, Ohio?
  • Do you feel Michael Regan, the head of the EPA, is being transparent about East Palestine? He claims the area and drinking water are safe. Maybe he should live there until the area is cleaned up.

If you answered no to any of these questions, what are you doing to promote telling the truth and being transparent to protect yourself and your family? If we are not part of the solution, we are part of the problem.

Toxic Things

Many toxic things are being advertised, manufactured, promoted, recommended, and regulated in the United States (US) and many other countries. Write down a list of the health hazards and toxic things you have heard or read about over the last ten years. Discuss these health hazards and toxic things with your family and friends to help make the world safer. When we speak up and take action regarding the health hazards and the toxic things that can harm us, we help ourselves and help the world.

  • Avoid toxic things.
  • Buy organic and support organic products.
  • Consider eco-friendly choices in all decisions.
  • Invest in eco-friendly, green, regenerative, and sustainable ecosystems.
  • Read the labels and avoid toxic chemicals in products. Most chemicals are health hazards.
  • Reduce your use of chemical cleaners and other toxic chemicals in the home.
  • Reduce your dependency on synthetic drugs and pharmaceutical products because they end up in you and then in our waters.
  • Reduce your toxic things footprint.
  • Stop flushing and washing chemicals down the drain. Toxic things end up in our water ecosystems and public water supplies.

Family planting a tree together

Passion for People & Planet

The passion and purpose of Morningstar NEWS are to condense hundreds of hours of reading and research down to two minutes of education, information, and inspiration. This blog asks some tough questions about who is telling the truth and being transparent about toxic things.

“Telling the truth and being transparent about toxic things is critical to the health and survival of all life on earth. We must demand that all government employees, politicians, and professionals tell the truth and be transparent. Those who do not tell the truth must be held accountable. If we are not part of the solution we are part of the problem.” —Michael Morningstar

Next Morningstar NEWS blog

Are They Telling the Truth and Being Transparent About Toxic Things? – Part 2

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