Happy New Year!

As the New Year approaches, which beliefs, behaviors, and blind spots directing your lifestyle, are worth putting on your radar screen to review to reject, renew, or reprogram them? If health is our greatest asset and wealth, what are you doing to nurture, promote, and protect your happiness, health, and healing in 2022? Traditionally many people invest the time at the end of a year and the beginning of a new year to review and reprogram lifestyle choices and decisions to better serve them. These crazy coronavirus conditions may be the perfect time to review and re-think your behaviors, beliefs, and blind spots to focus your energy and intention even more on happiness and health in 2022 and beyond.

With the current crazy coronavirus conditions, many people are expanding their awareness, consciousness, and mindfulness to enhance their quality of life. Right now is a great time to look back at what was great about 2021 and look forward to what you can do to make things even better in 2022. Gratitude for the many gifts in our life helps keep us in a beautifully emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual state. It is also a good time to focus on our values, visions, and vocations to help make the planet a better place for everyone.

The Morningstar NEWS blog is passionate about helping people discover simple strategies to boost their happiness and health now and in the future. Simple shifts in your choices, decisions, and thoughts can produce big dividends when you focus on the turbochargers that will most enhance and influence your happiness and health. These current crazy coronavirus conditions may be the perfect time to update and upgrade your peak performance, personal power, and pure potential for powerful progress. By rejecting the narcissist neurotics and negative news we can unplug from the manipulative matrix and plug into positive information, insights, and inspiration. Education, information, and motivation can be powerful guiding forces to support your habits, happiness, and health in the new year.

Centering Meditation

Happy New Year Healthy New You in 2022

With 2021 coming to a close and 2022 opening a new year, hopefully, you are looking forward to a Happy New Year and a Healthy New You.

Here are some simple suggestions:

  • Aligning our body, mind, and spirit, plays a key role in sustaining long-term happiness and health.
  • Biology of Beliefs by Dr. Bruce Lipton PhD, is a revealing book with important insights into how our thoughts play a pivotal role in the quality and quantity of our life.
  • Conscious communication with others and ourselves plays a major role in how our destiny will manifest.
  • Decisions determine the direction of our life and our destiny so choose wisely.
  • Exercise and fitness are vital to our happiness and health. Enjoying energizing exercise each day can help keep the doctor away and keep us healthy to play.
  • Fun is a vital part o maintaining and sustaining healthy habits.
  • Great day to work and play!  Simply saying something like this can help your body and brain create more fun and productive day. Positive greetings help us communicate and connect with others also.
  • Having a happy life starts with having happy thoughts. Tune into happy movies, news, songs, and videos to help prime your pump and promote your happy, healthy, and hopeful personality.
  • Incantations can program our inner intelligence for success: Every day in every way I am becoming happier and healthier. I am gifted, I am guided, I am so lucky I’ve decided. New Year and New Me – Looking forward to all I can be.
  • Jumping for joy on a rebounder while listening to energizing music is a great way to stay happy and healthy. Too many people are sitting too much and this leads to poor performance and posture. Rebounding for a few minutes every hour can help you energize and revitalize. Try rebounding while listening to calls or watching a youtube video.
  • Kindness is an easy gift to give to others and ourselves. Do a good deed daily and show kindness often.
  • Laughter is a free and fun form of medicine. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale wrote The Power of Positive Thinking and said he healed his serious disease with a personal prescription for laughter.
  • Meditation and mindfulness help keep our life compass and mental GPS oriented towards our true north.
  • Nutrition is vital to our happiness and health. Remember the words with wisdom from Hippocrates who is quoted as saying “food is thy medicine and medicine is they food”.
  • Organic is the way we were meant to eat. Make organic, regenerative, and sustainable a key priority in your life.
  • Power of Questions is an important part of the teachings of Socrates. Ask yourself better questions to find better answers and solutions in your life.
  • Questions are a powerful peak performance primer to direct your behavior, energy, and focus towards your higher goals and good.
  • Relationships require maintenance, repair, and Tender Loving Care (TLC) to nurture and protect. All external relationships depend on your internal relationship first.
  • Safety is an important mindset if you want to stay happy and healthy.
  • Travel to a new city, county, or country to learn about new people, new places, and new things. Talking to people is also a great way to communicate and connect.
  • Understanding that we have ownership and responsibility for every choice, consequence, and decision in our life is the difference between being an empowered victor or disempowered victim.
  • Vision boards are a powerful peak performance and self-growth technique to direct your energy, focus, and lifestyle. Our values and visions are the operating and programming systems for our desired destiny and our financial freedom.
  • What was great about today? What can I do right now to improve my mental state and mood?
  • X out the limiting beliefs, habits, and people in your life now to live your dream life in the future.
  • Yoga is an easy and effective way to nurture your body, mind, and spirit.
  • Zero tolerance for cheating, lying, and stealing will help build character, honesty, and integrity in all aspects of our life.

Hatha Yoga Stretching

Passion for People & Planet

The passion and purpose of Morningstar NEWS are to condense hundreds of hours of rewarding research down to two minutes of education, information, and inspiration. These simple suggestions and words with wisdom can help you enjoy more happiness and health in 2022 by focusing on your emotional, mental, and physical well-being.

Next Morningstar NEWS blog

Habits That Harm – Habits That Help

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